a catalyst for socio - economic development
All protocols observed:
It is with great pleasure and honour that I address and welcome you this morning to this Joint virtual meeting of SADC Ministers of Education and Training and Science, Technology and Innovation.
I am thankful to the Government of the Republic of Malawi for organising and hosting this important meeting despite the constraints imposed by the Covid 19 pandemic.
Let me at the outset, thank the Honourable SADC Ministers who have prioritised this meeting despite many other equally important and pressing demands. I also wish to thank the International Cooperating Partners (ICPs), for their continuous support towards the implementation of the Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan 2020-2030 priorities, which are related to Education and Training and Science, Technology and Innovation sectors.
Remarks by Deputy Executive Secretary of SADC - 17th June 2022
Ministry of Education | Private Bag 328| Capital City | Lilongwe 3, Malawi.
Phone:+265 1 789 422 / +265 1 789 416
Fax:+265 1 788 184 / +265 1 788 064