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ONLINE Learning - Secondary Education Notesmaster Platform

Notesmaster is an eLearning platform that has been used by the Ministry of Education Science and Technology to support teachers in creating content for 13 junior secondary subjects. Notesmaster operates in partnership with UNICEF and the Commonwealth of Learning.

Basic Education EdTech

Learners Tablet

The Unlocking Talent (Ut) alliance is comprised of Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO), onebillion and network providers. Since 2013, the UT alliance, in partnership with the Malawi Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology (MoEST), have been delivering enhanced quality learning and numeracy content through tablet-based learning in 14 education districts.

Connect with us

Ministry of Education | Private Bag 328| Capital City | Lilongwe 3, Malawi.

  • Phone:+265 1 789 422 / +265 1 789 416

  • Fax:+265 1 788 184 / +265 1 788 064

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