Education News

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The Government of the Republic of Malawi has received offers of undergraduate scholarships for the 2024/25 academic year from the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt for Bachelor of Arts and Science degrees at Egyptian universities.


Applicants must:

  1. Be Malawian citizens with at least six credits, including English, at MSCE or its equivalent.
  2. Be below 19 years of age.
  3. Present a copy of the Malawi School Certificate of Education or its equivalent.
  4. Be willing to pay a $100 registration fee for reviewing their application documents by EGYAID.
  5. Not already be studying at any Egyptian university.
  6. Be aware that their scholarship application is not complete until a security clearance for their studies is granted.
  7. Be aware that their scholarship application ONLY applies to regular departments, as admission into special programs with expenses will require topping up the fees.
  8. Submit a convincing personal statement.
  9. Provide two letters of recommendation with contact details (phone and email).
  10. Submit some detailed, up-to-date curriculum vitae.
  11. Be willing to avail themselves for a personal online interview.
  12. Be aware that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the next stage of the application process.

Applicants must identify courses through All copies of supporting documents, including names of preferred programs and universities, must be submitted to the Ministry of Education, Private Bag 328, Lilongwe 3, Malawi, for shortlisting. These must be clearly marked “Application for the EGYAID Scholarship” and all electronic copies sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than 30th August 2024.

For more information, contact Ms. Pauline Ngwira at 0999947475.


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Ministry of Education | Private Bag 328| Capital City | Lilongwe 3, Malawi.

  • Phone:+265 1 789 422 / +265 1 789 416

  • Fax:+265 1 788 184 / +265 1 788 064

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